Downton Abbey, the beloved fictional period piece, is a fan favorite. The show, which only lasted six seasons, made its mark on viewers and, four cookbooks later, is still popular. The Official Cocktail Book is just one of several in the Downton Abbey Culinary Books. The other three books in the series cover daily meals, afternoon tea, and Christmas recipes.
The Cocktail Book serves more than just classic cocktails; features a wide variety of libations, including character-specific ones that will delight audiences. The book is divided into five sections: the library, the grounds, the great hall, the hall, and the village. Each section contains recipes for the typical beverages served, from everyday drinks to after-dinner drinks to hangover cures.
The book is packed with colorful photographs that will transport you from your kitchen to the halls of Downton Abbey. Fans of the show will love being a part of the elegant lifestyle the show celebrates.
Buy “The Official Book of Downton Abbey Cocktails: Appropriate Drinks for All Occasions” on Amazon for $17.89.