4 calls that really work to catch squirrels

squirrel hunting calls

The author bagged this squirrel with his grandfather’s single-shot 16 caliber. Jarrod Spilger

squirrel hunting calls
Learn the vocabulary of the talking squirrels and you can call them on the range. Donald M Jones

Many hunters do not know that squirrels can be called as turkeys or ducks. On the right day, calling squirrels can be very effective, drawing them out of leafy gazebos and into view. The trick is knowing what to say.

The vocabulary of squirrels consists mainly of chattering and barking. Chatters are a series of quick, breathy notes used to express everything from curiosity to irritation. A bark is a one- or two-note louder, higher-pitched sound that territorial males often make as a challenge. It is not uncommon for one or two barks to be followed by a long series of chatters. He probably heard these high-pitched, annoying vocalizations while walking through the woods on his way to a deer stand or turkey game.

The lesser-known hiss or screech is a distressed sound often made by a young squirrel that is attacked by a predator. The distress whistle unsettles the adult squirrels and encourages them to leave their treetop hiding places to investigate.

The combination of hissing with interspersed barking or chattering creates the illusion that a young squirrel is being attacked while onlookers express their disapproval. Like children on a playground running to see a fight, most of the squirrels within earshot will want to join the fight. The following calls will help attract curious bushy to your location.

scolder quaker boy

quaker boy scold squirrel hunting call

Hollow out the barrel of the Scolder with one hand while quickly compressing the bellows with the palm of the other hand to make rapid noises. For one-handed operation and to produce high-pitched barks, quickly tap the bellows with your fingertips or tap the ground gently.

Cousins ​​Squirrel Buster

squirrel hunter cousins ​​squirrel hunting call

This easy-to-use bellows-style call from Primos produces ultra-realistic squirrel sounds, from barks and chatters to squeals of anguish, thanks to the whistle built into its barrel. Shake the call for a few seconds to make the alarm chatter.

Hunters Specialties Squirrel Call

hunters specialties called squirrel

The Hunters Specialties bellows style call also features a whistle on the barrel. Simply shake it to mimic barking and chattering, or blow the whistle to make baby squirrel distress calls. The call mimics the vocalizations of gray squirrels and foxes.

Read next:

Squirrel Hunting Basics: Best Tactics and Weapons

Haydel’s DS-85 and Mr. Squirrel Whistle

haydel ds85 mr squirrel whistle

The DS-85 is a bellows caller with a built in whistle that makes all the chipmunk sounds. The Mr. Squirrel whistle, sold with the DS-85, mimics the distressed screech of a young squirrel. Place it between your lips and suck in air to make a whistling sound.

Jim Crumley’s Squirrel Stew

Legendary camouflage designer Jim Crumley (inventor of the Trebark pattern) enjoys hunting and eating squirrels. That’s how his family gobbles up a bunch of bushy tails.

1/4 cup orange juice
2 tbsp. lime juice
2 tbsp. canola oil
2 tbsp. steak seasoning
1 1/2 tablespoons dried oregano
1 tablespoon. cumin
2 lb. squirrel legs and backs.
Chicken broth for topping

  1. Mix the ingredients and add the squirrel. (Make small cuts in the fleshy part of the hind legs to allow the marinade to fully penetrate.)
  2. Refrigerate for at least an hour or overnight.
  3. Place the marinated meat in a slow cooker or pressure cooker, then top with chicken broth.
  4. Cook until tender (4 to 6 hours in an electric slow cooker or 30 minutes in a pressure cooker).
  5. Debone and use the cooked meat in your favorite soup, stew or gravy recipe.