Wyoming Moose Season Is Coming, Time To Raise Your Fitness Level

With elk season fast approaching, now is the time to start getting in shape so you can handle long hunts in the highlands.

Most elk hunting begins in a few weeks and will last for parts of the next several months. Not everyone has time to be in the mountains hiking and training every day or even several times a week, but if you’re looking to enjoy an enjoyable hunt, there’s still time to prepare for the hunt.

Even if you’ve lived in higher country all your life, it’s a good idea to work on your hunting form. I’ve heard many people say they hate the gym and exercise, but will do whatever it takes to hunt.

I have been looking for ways to up my physical game and prepare for longer hikes and hunts. If you’ve ever googled or googled YouTube to find the best workout to go on a long hunt, you know how hard it can seem to find the one that’s perfect for you.

I watched a few videos and the only recurring theme is upping your cardio game. It looks legit and seems like a simple task… right? The videos and workouts range from extreme gymnastics, very little gymnastics and some even do it the Rocky Balboa way and use whatever is around them.

Just like anything you look for online, you’ll find hundreds of options and you’ll see people who are already in great shape. It would be great if we could go from couch to hunting-ready in a couple of days, but it’s bound to take some time.

I saw a couple of videos sharing stories of people who weren’t physically ready to go hunting and didn’t enjoy it as much as they should. No doubt, with all the money spent preparing for your hunt, you want to enjoy it as much as possible.

One of the trainings I found was from Outdoor Life. The article breaks down what you need to do step by step, literally. It’s a 12-week program that almost anyone can do to prepare for their hunt or hike.

This is what the first 3 weeks look like. See the rest at Outdoorlife.com

  • Week 1: easy does it

    • Mon/Wed/Fri – cardio – 45 minute walk (includes uphill and downhill terrain)
    • Tue/Thu/Sat – muscle – 30 Minutes climbing stairs, bleachers or steep hill (short breaks)
  • Week 2: Take a step forward

    • Monday/Wednesday/Friday – cardio – 45 minute walk, add some jogging
    • Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday – Muscle – Same 30 minute reduction in rest periods
  • Week 3: Feel better

    • Monday/Wednesday/Friday – cardio – 45 minute walk add more jogging
    • Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday: same 30 minutes, alternate 3 squats/ 3 lunges during short rest periods

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