Many hunting seasons begin on September 1.

Tim McCurdy

As much as the 2022 calendar doesn’t want to admit it, fall is in the air. With September upon us, that means several hunting seasons will open up.

These include a host of traditional seasons, such as bowhead deer, mentor/youth deer, and three migratory bird seasons: mourning dove, Canadian goose, and duck. Some of the non-traditional seasons that will open are Cottontail Rabbit, Tree Squirrel, Raven, and Snipe.

I would like to offer a few reminders for some of the hunting seasons that will open up shortly. Let’s start with the mourning dove season which starts on September 1st. Hunters are reminded that a state migratory bird certification is required along with their regular small/combination hunting license; however, a federal waterfowl stamp is not. Too often we come across hunters in the field who have their regular license but forget to purchase certification.

Here are a couple of other reminders about mourning dove restrictions:

  • Hunters may not hunt mourning doves within public road rights-of-way.
  • Hunters can only shoot a bird in flight.
  • There is a daily limit of 15 (45 possession).
  • Your shotgun must have a maximum capacity to hold three shells.