“Wrap Yourself In History” – Capote Making Workshop
Would you like to make your very own traditional Hudson’s Bay point blanket capote?
The Louis Riel Institute can organize a workshop in your community to take part in a historical presentation and hands on instruction to create and customize your own capote.
The classes are facilitated by Suzan Lagrove. Suzan incorporates her passion for history, heritage and sewing. As the former Regional Manager of Hudson’s Bay Heritage, she has helped individuals enjoy creating coats, ponchos, mittens and Christmas stockings designed from the legendary Hudson’s Bay point blanket. She was honoured with the YWCA Woman of Distinction nomination for Arts, Culture & Heritage in 2006. She loves to share history and sewing as you “Wrap Yourself in History”.
Students can request blanket colours from a variety of options. Please call to enquire about workshop costs as they may vary according to your community’s location.
Space per workshop is limited to 15 participants and takes one full day.