Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and Partners seeks nominations for Climate Adaptation Leadership Awards

Nominations until May 31, 2023

The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, in partnership with the National Fish, Wildlife and Plant Climate Adaptation Network, seeks nominations for the Climate Adaptation Leadership Award (Award). This award recognizes outstanding efforts to increase the resilience of America’s valuable living natural resources to climate change and thereby help sustain the many individuals, businesses, and communities that depend on them.

The Climate Adaptation Leadership Award was established in 2016 to recognize exemplary leadership by individuals, agencies, tribes, businesses, and other organizations to reduce impacts and promote adaptation of the nation’s fish, wildlife, and plants in a changing world.

Past award recipients have been recognized for outstanding leadership in resource management, science, education, training, and other goals of the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Climate Adaptation Strategy.

Award categories include federal government, state or local government, tribal government, non-governmental organizations, broad associations, distinguished individual achievement, and emerging leaders. Individuals, groups, organizations, and government agencies are eligible to apply. Up to eight awards will be announced in September 2023 in association with the AFWA annual meeting in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Fish, wildlife, and plant resources provide billions of dollars in economic activity, millions of jobs, and many other important benefits and services to Americans each year, including food, clean water and air, building materials, storm protection , tourism and recreation. The award recognizes efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change and keep these valuable resources alive and the many businesses and communities that depend on them every day.

Run by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the National Fish, Wildlife and Plant Climate Adaptation Network, the award is given each year in collaboration with partners including the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society, the US Fish and Wildlife Service Survey, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and others.

For more information about the Award or how to apply, visit the Climate Adaptation Leadership Award website. Inquiries about the award can be sent to Jacob Blandford, [email protected].

The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies— the organization representing North America’s fish and wildlife agencies — promotes sound resource management and conservation, and speaks out on important fish and wildlife issues. Found on the web at www.fishwildlife.orgOn Facebook /Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and on twitter @fishwildlife.