Topics Discussed: Cam’s new book Endure is out!; when an adult acts like a donkey and accostes Steve’s son; the shit you find in turkeys; Jani’s chickens running to the house to nest her eggs on the kitchen counter; Chester catches the largest walleye in history; Sean’s Duck Report on avian influenza sweeping the country and affecting the wild population; the symptoms of sick birds and the importance of informing the public; choker setting; how Cam Hanes still keeps his day job; barely sleeping; when you lose your best friend too soon; go for the most epic experience in the desert; coming within meters of that grizzly bear; live in the world of resistance; how your body gives what you ask for; how much the wind bothers Steve; preferring to be alone and loving to hunt solo; discipline and trust; how difficult it is to read aloud and record your own audiobook; memory words; and more.