Good summer for late grouse, partridge hatches | Sports

With the completion of roadside breeding surveys for the North Dakota highland game, and the opening of the sharp-tailed grouse and partridge season set for this Saturday, hunters may find a better crop of younger grouse compared to 2021 and more ptarmigan are likely to come their way this fall. North Dakota Department of Game and Fish (NDG&F) Upland Game Management Supervisor Jesse Kolar suggests that while the grouse’s early nesting efforts may have been hampered by weather, it’s likely that both species produce more young later in the summer, under moisture-stimulated vegetation and grass cover. conditions in spring.

“A good mark for sharptails; his reproduction seemed much better [compared to 2021]. Conditions recovered this summer, so the last period of their nesting seemed to improve a bit and they were able to expel some chicks,” says Kolar, adding that partridges, although rare, remain stable or improved throughout the state. . they remain as high as they have been in 15 years. They look great. I think populations will be good from Jamestown and further west,” he concludes.