Hunting seasons in Minnesota and Wisconsin begin Thursday – Duluth News Tribune

DULUTH — Fall is just around the corner and the first hunting seasons will arrive next week, starting with bear, dove and crow on September 1 and early seasons for teal and Canadian goose starting on September 3. September in Minnesota.

Minnesota deer hunters who plan to hunt in a deer management area that has antlerless deer permits available through the lottery must purchase their license by September 8 to participate in the lottery. Everyone who purchases a license by then and selects a lottery management area will automatically be entered into the draw.

Minnesota bear hunters are reminded not to shoot research bears with radio collars and ear muffs. While not illegal, the bears are important to ongoing research by Department of Natural Resources biologists.

Minnesota 2022 hunting seasons

September 1-November 29: Mourning Dove

September 1-October 31: Raven

September 1-October 16: Bear

September 3-7: Ducks, teal only, statewide

September 8: Special Hunt and Antlerless Firearms Deer Permit Application Deadline.

September 3-18: Canada Goose Early

September 10-11: Juvenile Waterfowl Hunt

Sept. 17-Jan. 1: ruffed grouse

September 17-Dec. 31: Deer, Archery

September 17-October 24: Sandhill Crane, Northwest Zone Only

Sept. 17-Nov. 30: Sharptail Grouse, Northwest Zone Only (East Zone Closed)

September 17-February 28: Squirrel and rabbit, including snowshoe hares

September 24-November 8: woodcock

September 24-November 22: Ducks, North Zone

September 24-Dec. 23: Geese, north area

September 24-October 2: Ducks, Central Zone

September 24-October 2: Ducks, South Zone

October 1-30: Turkey

Oct. 8-Nov. 27: Ducks, central zone, second season

Oct. 8-Nov. 27: Ducks, south zone, second season

Oct. 15-Jan. 1: pheasant statewide

October 20-23: Minnesota School Holidays

Oct. 20-23: Gun Deer Youth Only (ages 10-17) statewide

October 15 to March 15: Fox and Raccoon

Nov 5-20: Deer, Guns, 100 Numbered Areas

November 5-13: Deer, Firearms, Areas numbered 200 and 300

Nov. 19-27: Deer, Firearms, 300 Permit Areas, Season Two

Nov 26-Dec 11: Deer, muzzleloader, statewide

For more information, consult a free hunting/trapping regulations brochure available where licenses are sold or visit and click on the species of interest.

Wisconsin Hunting Seasons 2022

September 1-November 29: Mourning Dove

September 1-9: Early Teal Only Duck, statewide

September 1-15: Early goose, statewide

September 7-October 11: Bear (dates vary for bait and use of dogs)

September 16-Dec. 16: Goose, north zone

September 17-18 – Statewide Juvenile Waterfowl Hunt

Sept. 17-Jan. 8: Deer, archery and crossbow

September 17 – January 8: Ruffed Grouse, Northern Zone (northern two-thirds of the state).

September 17-Dec. 31: Turkey, zones 1-5

September 17-November 18: Turkey, Zones 6-7

September 17-November 20: Raven

September 17-February 28: Rabbits, North Zone (no season restriction or hare limit)

September 17-February 28: Squirrel

September 24-November 7: woodcock

September 24-November 22: Ducks, North Zone

Oct. 8-9: Youth-Only Gun Deer Statewide

Oct. 15-Jan. 8: pheasant, statewide

October 15-February 15: Fox and Coyote

Nov. 19-27: Deer, Guns, Statewide

Nov 28-Dec 7: Deer, muzzleloader, statewide

December 8-11: Deer, antlerless only, statewide

December 10: Deadline to apply for spring 2022 turkey and bear permits

For more information, consult a free state hunting/trapping regulations brochure available where licenses are sold or visit and click on the species of interest.

Oct. 1-Dec. 4: Non-Resident Ducks and Geese (East Geese Zone ends Dec 18)

Oct. 8-Jan. 1: Pheasant

Oct. 15-Jan. 31: Pheasant