It’s time for a FREE hunt

We are sending a Pope and a young Youth member on a FREE blacktail hunt in California

At Pope and Young, we value young people and see them as the future of bowhunting. To preserve, promote and protect our passion for bowhunting, it must be passed on to the next generation of hunters. So we want to send a young member of Pope and Young on a free hunt, tags and license included, a California Black Tail hunt with our good friends at Arrow Five Outfitters.

Next Monday, September 19the, Pope and Young will be drawing a young man from Pope and Young to win this 4-day blacktail hunt in Northern California. We will be announcing the winner on our podcast, available next Tuesday morning, the 20th.the, wherever you get your podcasts. Youth must be between the ages of 12 and 18 to enter this hunt, but all youth, ages 0-18, will be entered into our convention drawings in April 2023.

With a $10 youth membership fee, you are investing in your future as a bowhunter and helping to secure your rights as a bowhunter for generations to come, but also getting the opportunity to not only have a FREE hunt, but also many great prizes below. April at our 2023 Pope and Youth Convention!

Sign up for a youth hunter today to become a member of Pope and Young, or visit the link for more information, -.

Subscribe to the Pope and Young podcast on YouTube (also available on all platforms where podcasts are available):

About Pope and Young:
Pope and Young is North America’s leading bowhunting conservation organization. If you are a fair pursuer, an ethical bowhunter, and care about preserving the culture and future of bowhunting, then you belong to the Pope and Young. Join today at