Squirrel season and ammunition shortage

The 2021 Illinois chipmunk hunting season began earlier this week on August 1 and will run through February 15.


During the 2021 firearm deer hunting seasons, November 19-21 and December 2-5, squirrel hunting stops in counties where firearm deer hunting is permitted, but it resumes afterwards.

Hunters can go out half an hour before sunrise until half an hour after sunset. The daily limit is 5 squirrels, and 10 squirrels are allowed at a time.

If you plan on hunting squirrels this year, keep in mind that if you don’t have ammo for your hunting season yet, we are still in the midst of an ongoing ammunition shortage.

Last year he demonstrated how fear creates scarcity. The ammunition shortage began here in our small town of Kewanee on Friday March 13, 2020.